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 Business Model Migration


With the migration of Company B2B/B2C Real-store Sales Model to Online & Offline Multi-Channel Sales Model, we’ll fully utilize our professional services in the fields of Digital Marketing and CRM, helping our clients successfully extend new sales channels and successfully become a Business Intelligence & Digital Learning Enterprises.

Why Direct Marketing   Direct Marketing Market Size

Li Yanhong, Baidu CEO said in the next 3-5 years, internet’s infrastructure will change greatly. As big as Suning & Carrefour, and as small as a small street shop, company B2C channel will be mature and convenient

In 2009, Digital marketing share is 0.6% in China, 6% in US and 12% in Korea.

Why CRM CRM Marketing Market Size

Besides Digital marketing’s advantages, CRM has the following advantages: 1. Membership increases consumers’ sense of belonging. 2. Multi-channel sales bring convenience for consumer purchase.. 3. To ensure a high-efficiency operated supply chain.

In 2009, CRM has captured 54.3% of all advertising spend in US, but in China the market share is lower than 8%.


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