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2.20 Customer Attitudinal Research

  Channel Sales Process Study

Manufactures utilize multi-channel (Entity shop+CRM+E-commerce), to  reach different market segment, to increase sales revenue and acquire more market share. CRM’s main tactics are Direct Mail, Catalogue Marketing, Tele-marketing, Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Direct Response TV, Direct Response Newspaper, etc

 Campaign Process Study

Campaign Management System mainly includes 7 key modules:Target Customer Definition, Customer Profile Analysis, Target Group Release for Contact, Customer Communication, Customer Response, Customer Attendance Confirmation, and Campaign Analytics & Performance Assessment.
Main campaign Scenario includes: Basic Campaign Scenario (EDM sending+ Website registration), Advanced Online Scenario (Banner+Website registration). Campaign adopts communication vehicles with the lowest cost in consideration of the customers’ communication preference (Website->EDM->SMS->DM->Telemarketing).

  Qualitative Research Techniques
图标3-2.20.png Three Key Techniques:
Projective Techniques: Interpretation of the pictures indicating brand image & individual’s personality
Laddering Interview: Proceeding from product characteristics to consumers’ usage motives
Role Playing: Lowered the respondent’s defenses and resulted in truthful answers

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